DANTRAFO are manufacturing PCB-mount transformers that are approved according to EN61558. For these products a CCA certificate has been issued by UL/DEMKO.
With this certificate trading between countries covered by the CAA agreement is simplified and repeated testing of individual transformers can be avoided. The CCA agreement for transformers applies in all CENELEC countries, which cover most of the European countries.
With an approval in one country a product can be distributed in all other countries covered by the agreement. It is only required to register at the approval authorities in the individual countries.This can be done by submitting the CCA certificate.
At minor changes without safety impact a “STATEMENT OF IDENTIFICATION” is enclosed.
In this way the approval time in foreign countries can be reduced significantly.
The EN61558 norm applies for most applications. There are however applications where other norms apply and supersede EN61558.
The approval of the DANTRAFO standard PCB-mount transformers includes the products listed in the table covering products with a primary voltage up to 400V and a combined secondary no load voltage up to 48V. The approval allows a free choice of termination as long as the creepage distances and clearances comply with EN61558.