1979 Foundation of Dantrafo A/S by Jørgen Larsen og Sven Jensen
1992 Dantrafo A/S obtain ISO 9000 certification
1992 Acquisition of Nortra Scanelectric A/S, Denmark
1993 Acquisition of the B&O transformer division in Lemvig, Denmark
1995 Acquisition of Tradania A/S in Fensten, Denmark
2001 Dantrafo A/S obtain ISO 14001 certification
2002 Acquisition of Transformator Teknik AB in Åmål, Sweden
2004 Foundation of Dantrafo Electronics Suzhou Co., Ltd., China,
2008 Dantrafo Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., China obtain ISO 9000 certification
2009 Dantrafo Holding A/S was taken over by Ivan Gam
2013 Acquisition of JG Transformator in Stenløse, Denmark
2019 Dantrafo acquires the production from Overgaard Transformere, Denmark